Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The new bamboo rugs were delivered today. Can't wait to get the rest of the covers sewn and try it all out together.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Here is how I dealt with the holes for the panel supports. I triple stitched using a zigzag stitch on both sides of the opening.
This cover is for the center dividing wall and fits rather snug. I can see this being a problem on the larger walls. To compensate and save myself a mountain of headache on the road when I'm alone I will only stitch the front edge and the top together. The back edge will be secured using ties I cut from the awl edge of the extra fabric. Will post new pics later. And once I get my new drawing tablet working I will draw a few schematics to help explain for all of my visual learners:-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Progress update on the new propanel covers:

I have now broken my last needle in my sewing machine. I've been trying to use a regular size because I'm too lazy to run out to the sewing store on the other side of town. Naturally this didn't go as planned. So now, it's out to the store anyway. If I'd have done this earlier I'd be done sewing by now. Obviously I need a heavy duty needle. UGH

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Considering background color

I'm waiting for the other clothes to come out of the dryer so I thought I'd set up a mini version of the booth and see what the paintings look like in situ. I like that potential clients can see the work on a color most have in their own homes. I'm a little concerned that the colors in my paintings look too washed out. Overall I'm pleased and moving forward with the plan.

New booth design

Starting work today on my new booth. I purchased 6 of these beautiful natural cotton drop clothes from Lowe's. After pre washing them they shrank an average of 3" in both directions. Need to keep this in mind moving forward. Originally I was going to see them together to make a 6'x10' pillowcase etc. however since they are now shorter than my propanels I think it will be best to use the 9' side running up and down and seam another piece to make up the width. I could have bought larger drop clothes but I don't like having to deal with so much stiff fabric. We shall see if My logic holds or if I should have bought bigger.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

bird inspiration

This stylized persian bird is typical of the types of brush work designs to which I'm drawn over and over again. petite bird ornaments
love the flowers
also from

I thought I'd share a few images of inspiration. I love ethnic design and these birds are no exception. 

birds birds birds

One of the designs I love using in the background of my tree paintings is that of a sweet bird I found on some old Persian pottery. It's an extension of a bird design from pysanky and I always marvel at the similarity of old ethnic design elements. Here are some recent pieces where I've used the bird as subject instead of the trees. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Collage and paint

Not finished. Been working on it for several weeks now. Coming along nicely...just had my espresso and time to get back to work.
The more I look at this painting the more I don't like the disjointed background. there are too many singular design elements. I probably need to add more collage. Since I'm not in the mood to look at it anymore I'll probably put it aside for a few more weeks.