Saturday, July 27, 2013

Create Somerset 2013

funky student work from Create NJ 2013

So on monday I had two, TWO! root canals. I swear it knocked the bejeezus out of me. Seriously. My jaw still hurts. Hasn't done a thing for keeping me quiet, however:~)

Back to business.

this was by far one of my most favorite pieces for the week!
I had the pleasure of teaching at Create Mixed Media Retreats in Somerset, NJ last week. This was my second year at this event and it was even better than the first. I truly enjoyed meeting up with gals I met last year and making new friends for the future. I am so blessed that I get to live this dream of the full time artist and the people who attend my classes are instrumental in making it happen. 

Geeze. Now I'm getting all sappy. (Maybe my sore mouth is affecting my edge.)

Since I obviously have nothing witty nor insightful to say maybe it's time for a photo dump from the retreat! These paintings are from my class "release your creative spirit", a class on working intuitively. If you ever have the chance to take this class, seriously, do it! It will up your confidence level 10 fold! Ready...Set...

just love the exaggerated features here

this artist is trained as an architect. it took a little coaxing to get her to see past buildings but so worth it in the end

i had a few students who worked on more than 1 painting at a time.  this gal worked on this one and the portrait below. 

totally different than the bird she painted. I LOVE this piece.
Here's a closeup of the fabulous headpiece from the earlier painting. Beautiful

sweet blue bird by another lady. great dry brush technique

here's a piece still in progress but well on it's way

funky animals

i like the juxtaposition of the larger face with the tiny figure to the left.

underwater portrait by Janet Hutton. Lovely. 

nice negative painting technique here by sosuzi: Susan Bromirski 

also by Sosuzi: Susan Bromirski. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Some more process

Writing from the hotel at the conference. I am becoming quite the pillow snob! So far I think the Hampton Inn has the most comfortable pillows. The Hilton's are a little too mushy for my taste. Although, perched here in the middle of the bed with 5 or 6 of them stuffed up behind me while I type, I'm not complaining! Except...

It's hot as hell out there. Clearly this artist did not pack appropriately! But I'm thinking surely I can find a place to spend a few $ on something cooler. Like a giant moo moo with a built in air conditioner?


I promised some more thoughts on process so here's a few more pix. Nothing earth shattering and since starting these latest pieces I'm already experimenting further. I can't WAIT to get home and start working again!

painting the wood panels in geometric patterns. these are adapted from border designs used on pysanky.
i also did a few pieces with florals just for kicks. don't you think all of these patterned boards would make fun collage paper? hint hint hint...stay tuned for news:~)
ripped the panels on the saw, sanded the edges & corners with a palm sander. 

also made a slew of houses and barns out of scraps of wood and roofing tin. 
then it was just a matter of experimenting with composition.

in this one i recessed the house

i like the layering of smaller land pieces to add depth!

rather than cut out the flower i left a smoother skyline.

here with the skyline cut out around the flowers. 
All in all I've got enough pieces with me to put together 35 new paintings. Let me know what you think. Like I said, I'm already onto a new version of this. Several of these pieces are now in Galerie Matilda in Roswell, GA and Village in Auburn, AL. And I'm unveiling the interactive pieces here in NJ on friday. I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!

Meanwhile, I'm off to find cooler tshirts.                and better deoderant

color me HOT

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Create Somerset Artist Market

I signed up to have a table at the market next week at Create Somerset and as usual, since I waited until the last minute to commit I've been working day and night to get my artwork finished for the event. Can you say

"avoidance behavior"?

Lawd. I do this to myself all of the time...start a totally new concept at the last minute...get caught up in the details...the next thing you know it's a week before I'm leaving.

Still not ready.

Let me see if I can explain this in words. I've created a variety of skies painted on wood. Each one is a different color/pattern/size. I did the same thing with land pieces, and a variety of houses and barns. All of the pieces are predrilled so that they are interchangeable. You, my sweet collectors, will get to pick out the sky/land/building that you like and put it together, making a totally custom piece of art that you had a say in creating. Pretty cool, huh?

Here's a peek. Not a great picture I know, but you get the idea.

I know I promised a second part to the process post earlier this month and I swear I'll get to it soon. Maybe tomorrow or Friday. 

Meanwhile, it's back to the grind. And trying to stay dry in this crazy summer weather we are having in Georgia. Everything is damp and soggy. Yeesh!

color me mossy :~)

Monday, July 1, 2013

a little insight to the process, part 1

Where exactly does my day go? It's exactly 4:33 in the afternoon and I am finally sitting down to accomplish a little work. So far today I've been to Lowe's, the dentist, the post office to send new work to Galerie Matilda and The Villager, killed a few minutes at Bed Bath and Beyond on my way to the dentist, checked on the old house. By the way, if I had a dollar for every time I go to the big box hardware store and combine that with a dollar for every minute I spend on hold with Comcast, I could hire someone else to take care of all of the things that require me to go to Lowe's!

(my blog is behaving weird right now. Gremlins.)

Ok. Enough chit chat. Let's talk about how these new pieces get born.

I start with thin wood and draw designs with red paint. Usually the sky pieces have flowers and animals while the field pieces are done with designs adapted from pysanky egg borders. Grammi Rosie would be proud:~) Miss you!

I paint the large boards using as many colors as I can squeeze out of the paint shades on my pallet. 

Using a jigsaw I cut out the shapes and sand the edges. Watch those fingers Stac! 
Next time I'll write about the rest of putting it all together. For now, it's my son's birthday and I've got to make a cake.

Color me cream cheese frosting:~)