"avoidance behavior"?
Lawd. I do this to myself all of the time...start a totally new concept at the last minute...get caught up in the details...the next thing you know it's a week before I'm leaving.
Still not ready.
Let me see if I can explain this in words. I've created a variety of skies painted on wood. Each one is a different color/pattern/size. I did the same thing with land pieces, and a variety of houses and barns. All of the pieces are predrilled so that they are interchangeable. You, my sweet collectors, will get to pick out the sky/land/building that you like and put it together, making a totally custom piece of art that you had a say in creating. Pretty cool, huh?
Here's a peek. Not a great picture I know, but you get the idea.
I know I promised a second part to the process post earlier this month and I swear I'll get to it soon. Maybe tomorrow or Friday.
Meanwhile, it's back to the grind. And trying to stay dry in this crazy summer weather we are having in Georgia. Everything is damp and soggy. Yeesh!
color me mossy :~)
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