Monday, August 12, 2013

Schedule Schmedule

I am my own worst enemy when it comes to getting things finished. I'm a very results oriented person and too many 'open' projects drives me insane. Almost to the point of paralysis. 

Back when I was a classroom teacher my days were highly scheduled. So much so that when I got home in the evening I couldn't even think. I'd eat something upon walking in the door then flop down in the couch and be asleep by 8o'clock. 

Fast forward two years of self employment and I realize...

Wait for it...

I'm terrible at time management! 

No wonder I rebelled against the system.  It's not that I don't get anything done. Far from it. In fact I probably accomplish more before 10am than most gov't contractors do in a week! 

But everything in my head and on my list of to do's is a priority, at least that's how it feels. Do I clean the bathrooms or paint? Restock the fridge or work on that book I'm threatening. The dog/pony needs a walk but the garden needs water and there are dishes in the sink and this sculpture sample won't create itself, but the bed's not made, and if I don't send in that paperwork I'll never resolve that issue at the bank, and I really need to get my online class open... They all have their own voice and they are all screaming at me inside of my head. (Lord. I sound like a schizophrenic. Someone call my shrink!) And here in lies the problem. 

"Make a list, idiot," you say. I do. I have lists of lists. 
"Number the items in order of importance," you say. Done. 
And yes, I love checking things off and drawing a bright bloody line thru the finished items, symbolically triumphing over the chaos of my day/week/month. I just can't seem to quiet the chaos. Like medusas snakes (or was it Hydra? I can never keep my mythology straight!) I  finish one project and another 5 spring up in its place. 
Deep breath. I know I'm not unique in this battle. Although somehow taking a minute to recognize the beast within has made it all better for the moment. 

Maybe I'll get a little writing accomplished for the magazine. Or sit and watch the storm roll in over the lake that is my backyard. Or take my laptop out to the porch and write from there...

color me multitasking :-)

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